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Fire Ants Premiere

Fire Ants will have it's worldwide premiere at the renowned Flickers: Rhode Island International Film Festival between Aug 9th and 15th, this is it's 25th year and in that time RIIFF has become one of the best in the world for short films and had over 6800 submissions from 103 countries in 2021. It is both Oscar and Bafta qualifying and we couldn't wish for a better start to the Fire Ants festival journey.If you are around Rhode Island, pop along and support Fire Ants we believe that the fe...

Helicopter Chase Breakdown

Rather than just posting a breakdown video i thought it would be nicer to write about it a bit, the approach, problems, solutions and things-i-would-not-do-next-time. I hope it may help others and also i welcome any feedback or 'why-on-earth-would-you-do-it-that-way' comments…This shot is part of a longer sequence, so it's out of context and fast but appears in the trailer so I can talk about it.Our night micro crew, David our Drone DP, Kat, Rafi, Amelia and Eve assistingWe shot this run and gun...

Fire Ants - Producing in Lockdown

Preparing for a shotWe’re fortunate in that as a production company we have what we need at hand during lockdown. In fact, in some ways, we relish the chance to try some new ideas and approaches.We're shooting this with our Red Epic as A cam and a sigma fp as a B cam. They do cut together surprisingly well - both being RAW and can be made to match fairly well on timelines if you're careful with dynamic range. (The Red is 2 to 3 stops higher in range than the sigma, yet the sigma is tiny and very...

Fire Ants - the story

Somewhere in Kent during lockdown, our family of four decided to make a short film to remember this time. However, what started as a small intimate project escalated into an international production involving over 100 youngsters from all over the world.CastingOur exterior shoot with minimal crew. Ersi slatingApart from our boys and our neighbours, the rest of the actors were auditioned and directed online.  I first approached Victoria Emslee (Downtown Abbey, Theory of Everything, Danish Gir...